One: Ty, James, and I leave early Friday morning
to head to Quartz Mt. State Park. After a little
misguided traveling, we enjoyed the sites of
Oklahoma. Ty and James rode the Hogs, destroying
all types of bugs along the way. Once we checked
in the lovely hotel we always stay at, off we went
for a round of golf. Of course James
won, but we had fun anyway. That night we played
poker at Kevin's trailer. I only left a little bit
of money, but it was worth the fun. Day
Two: We all meet at the golf course, hit a few
practice shots, then headed out to the links in
search of a trophy. After spotting Ty and Jerry a
few strokes, they proceeded to pound James and I.
That's alright, James and I tied for second place
overall. And, once again, James won the 'Closest
to the Pin' award. We went back to Kevin's,
although I didn't get back until the wee hours.
I'm looking forward to next year!

Ty & James passing through Cordell, OK |