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Fort Worth/Texas A&M - February, 2004

Ty, Letty, and James and I took off for our annual trip to College Station to see OU play Texas A&M in basketball. This time, the trip would be a little different.

Ty and Letty had sold their J-22 to a buyer in San Antonio. Since we were headed that way, they decided they would take 'The Game' part of the way. We drove to Fort Worth on Friday night and checked into the Radisson. James and I got real lucky and got a corner room. It was very big!

Before going to see a hockey game a few blocks away from the hotel, we stop in at the Flying Saucer. We enjoyed a couple of beers and a little food before heading to the game. Once at the game, the crowd was very sparse. The game got boring pretty quick, so James and I headed back to the Flying Saucer. There was a good band playing, but it got to cold to sit outside and listen to them. During the evening, a bachelorette party came in. She was on a scavenger hunt and one of the things she needed was a 1989 penny. Luckily, James was able to help her out.

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After that, we checked on the boat (which was parked unattended out in a parking lot), and stopped in at a bar called the 'Pig'. There was a great Latino band playing. It was already late, and James and I got a few hours of sleep before taking off at 6 am.

During the night, snow had fallen on Texas. Ty did a great job driving and got us to College Station without any problem and on time. We ate at Los Cucos again, turn the boat over to it's new owner, and headed to the game. Oddly enough, George Herbert Walker Bush was at the game for the tip-off and got a big round of applause. OU went on to beat Texas A&M, and we headed back to Oklahoma. The trip back was uneventful.


Once again, a nice little road trip.