January 3 Log

Jan 03 Pic

I wasn't in any hurry to get any where today. I did go downstairs and eat breakfast. I can't believe there aren't more English TV channels. I can watch cartoons, CNN, or BBC Learning. I opt for cartoons. I'm sick of Scooby Doo - there are only so many hours of cartoons that one human can watch at a time.

Around noon, the hotel calls and asked if we are going to leave. I go down and settle the bill, come back to the room and get Lisa, and we head for the train station. Lisa is ready for an apple and a Sprite. I find her a huge vending machine that keeps her enthralled for a while and start looking for some place that sells fruit. I find one, grab my fruit and pop and walk up to the check-out stand. The lady tells my that I must first put my fruit on the scale back by the fruit display, then hit the corresponding number and take the label that's printed out. Simple enough. The Swiss assume that everyone is honest.


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We found our train without any problem and took off precisely at 12:55 PM. You gotta love the Swiss for their on time schedule. For the entire trip, it only cost an extra $100 for the both of us to ride in the 1st Class cars. Although the 2nd Class cars are very nice, the 1st Class car are more comfortable and have fewer persons in them. We were glad we upgraded. In the summer, it's probably recommended.

On the way to Interlaken, we passed by some of the most beautiful landscape we had seen. It just keeps getting better and better. I don't think I can pick my favorite picture, but here are some of the best.

Train ride

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After a 2 hour train ride, we arrive in Interlaken Ost (east). We waited 10 minutes for the train for Interlaken West, enjoyed the 3 minute ride, got off and headed towards our hotel. Along the way, there are many shops. McDonalds is even close. Once we got to the hotel, our room wasn't ready, which was no surprise. Lisa was finally feeling much better and wanted to play it safe with food. So, off to McDonalds for an American burger and fries. I'm pretty sure this is the first McDonalds I have eaten at for the whole trip, but I could be wrong. It was expensive! You can see the bill below. The food was pretty darn good, especially for someone who hadn't eat for two days.  Lisa was appreciative of her happy meal and Little Pony. 


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Our room at the Metropole Hotel was great. We where in room 134 on the 13th floor. The view was amazing. The staff here are very nice. I would definitely recommend this hotel.

View from the Metropole

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Happy Birthday to me! The staff brought me a birthday cake. I am impressed.

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All things considered, a pretty good day.

Daily Log

Jan 03 Pic
