December 31st Log

Dec 31st Pics

I woke early to meet Lisa's plane. I took the shuttle bus back out to the airport and within 30 minutes, there she was. Nice to have her back. She was glad to see me, too. She sure didn't mind that first class upgrade I got for her. I knew those airlines miles would pay off sometime. The view from our room is nice, it's room number 34. It's no pyramids, but good.

View from Helmhaus Hotel

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We got back to the hotel and ate breakfast. It was pretty good. Lisa found some new cheese she really liked. I had cereal, meat, fruit and eggs. By the time we got cleaned up, it was time to start touring the town. Zurich is a lovely town.

We booked a trolley tour of the town for 32 Swiss francs a piece. I'm sure under normal circumstances, the trolley tour would have been great, but we had to sit in the back, only facing left - so things could have been better.

Zurich, Switzerland

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Along the way, we made two stops. The first was at the lake front, the other was at a church which had some painted stained glass windows by the artist Chagall. Very impressive.


Chagall Stained Glass Windows at Fraumunster

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It's going to be a late night for us, so Lisa is going to take a nap and I need to get one of the trains booked and a snack for us. Our hotel hostess said she would do the train booking and gave me directions for a place to get some sandwiches. The place is called Springli. They have some very expensive chocolate - which is pretty darn good.

We will go out for a late dinner then catch the fireworks show.

All the restaurants were packed, so we got a sandwich and tapas, a couple of cokes and went back to the hotel. We napped a little and went outside for the firework show. Considering the thousands of people, everyone was pretty orderly. And the firework show was terrific. A great celebration. One of the things about our hotel being so close to everything, is that it is so close to everything. I'm sure the music will go on for a couple of hours.

A very good day.
Daily Log

Dec 31st Pics
