December 11th Log

Dec 11th Pics

I finally got to sleep last night around 3 AM. When I woke up at 11 AM, I was fairly rested. For today, I don't have anything planned, so I'm in no hurry to do anything. I'm feeling pretty good, considering I was flying for 24 hours! I have bottle water (free) in my room each morning, which is nice.

My necessity to see things got the best of me. I headed down to the travel agent at the front desk and booked a tour for the afternoon. My trip this afternoon is to the Grand Palace. It leaves around 1 PM, so I have about an hour to kill. I walked around Sukhumvit Road. It's like most Asian cities I've been to. Everybody is packed close together and there are tons of street vendors trying to make a living. I bought a can of soda from the Subway.

My van arrive at 1 PM. I'm on the tour with about 6 others. They are from Germany, India, and France. Traffic was pretty bad, which didn't surprise me. Lots of slow going. I'm impressed how all the drivers make it down the street without killing each other. Very, very tight.

The tour guide is very informative. The one person from France apparently didn't read any of the guide books before coming to Thailand. At the temples, you must cover your shoulders, no shorts, and appropriate footwear is required. We had to stop and get here some appropriate sandals (what ever that means). She took her jacket off and the guide told her she need to cover her shoulders.

The Grand Palace  & Wat Phra Kaew was amazing. I hope these pictures do it justice. Thai architecture is very interesting. Lots of color. Ceramics, glass, and gold leaf accentuate the decorations. We saw the Emerald Buddha, which was pretty cool. Before going into the temple, we had to take off our shoes. Also, when you sit down, you have to make sure that you're feet don't point towards the Buddha.

From the Lonely Planet Guide Book to Thailand

"Also called the temple of the Emerald Buddha, Wat Phra Kaew is an architectural wonders of gleaming, gilded stupas seemingly buoyed above the ground, polished orange and green rough tiles piercing the human sky, mosaic encrusted tellers and rich marble pediments. The highly stylized ornamentation is a shrine to the much revered Emerald Buddha. Such a sacred site is bestowed with a fittingly official name - Wat Phra Si Ratana Satsadaram. It adjoins the former residents of the monarch, the grand palace."

After walking through the complex, we headed to the next stop on our tour. It was a very nice gem store sponsored by the Thai Government. Lisa, if I wasn't worried about spending $1,500, you would have had a new ruby ring. All very nice, but very expensive.

I'm now having a Thai dinner at the hotel. New eating rule: if you don't know the vegetable, don't eat it. I eat something that was extremely tough, stringy, and bitter. I guess I needed a little fiber. The dinner was Thai prawns, vegetables, and rice. Pretty good. Only 200 Baht. With two Heinekens, dinner was very cheap.

It's about 6 PM. I'm going to head to the Internet cafe. I really need to find a wireless one. I'm going to bed early. My trip to Attuyaha leaves at 6:30 AM. Yikes.

Wat Phra Kaew

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Daily Log

Dec 11th Pictures
